We currently have a fabulous flying site in Cedar Springs, Michigan. The club developed it in 2012. It is located on property owned by the City. We were blessed to have a great relationship with the City and community. However, the City is planning to develop this property into an industrial park to attract new businesses to Cedar Springs. Plans are for infrastructure construction to begin early in 2020, and then the project or parcels will be sold. At that time, the Wolverine Skyhawks will technically be "homeless" if we can't find a suitable location to move into. ** update: due to Covid 19, the City project has been delayed, so we have a temporary reprieve.
The club members have been looking for a new property for over 2 years, but so far we haven't found anything that would be suitable.
What are we looking for?
Preferably, the site would be remote so that we can fly safely over vacant property or crops without disturbing nearby residents.
As most of our members live in Kent County, we are searching for something in Northern Kent County. (There are already other clubs located South of Grand Rapids)
Many clubs across the country are located on closed landfills, public park areas, or adjacent to large fields of crops that can be safely flown over.
The ideal location would be large enough to allow us to hold an occasional Airshow to share our hobby with the community, but at minimum should be large enough to provide room for AMA recommended safety setback distances for pilot stations, pit area, parking, and spectators.
Now that the FAA is adding more restrictions on where we can fly, it is more important than ever to have an established community flying site where Remote Controlled Aircraft can safely fly.
Please feel free to browse our website pages. Check out our photo albums and videos. If you know of a property that may be a suitable new home for the Wolverine Skyhawks, please contact a club member or one of the Club Officers. Click the "Club Info" tab for contact information for Club Officers.
All club pilots and guests have current membership with the Academy of Model Aeronautics, must follow the AMA Safety Code, and have liability insurance through the AMA. Any site owner is provided with a Certificate of Liability Insurance as an Additional Insured.